Associations, Publications, Charities, & Links

I have had the incredible fortune to work with many charities, promotional agencies, companies, and individuals.  Associating my business with theirs has always been an honor.  I can highly recommend these organizations and enjoyed working along side them.

The Miracle PArty Logo
Model Connection Podcast


The Miracle Party

Strike for Kids

City of Hope

Serenity Springs Wildlife Center

Dig for kids

Colorado Wolf Rescue

The Model Podcast

Pop Culture Classroom

The American Red Cross

Wing Blades Falconry


Savage Van Sage

Sky Frazier

Bree Kirsten

Greicia Coyle

Kimber May

Anna Lieb

Lexi Kai

Joy Ingliss

Sara Reyes

Kim Jay

Shannon Prince


Harlow Wilde

Veronica Lavery


Jeremy Bliler (Amazing web site developer – Altitude Webmasters, Heart of pure gold, Brings joy to the world)

Brian Furer (Incredible, driven, gets the job done!  I have never seen anyone so passionate about everything he does.  VIP Real Estate)

Nathan Hart (Outstanding individual, Does what it takes to make it work, incredible father and husband, all around fun and joy to hang out with)

Robert Rhodes (Manager, veteran’s affairs, American Military Family, kids charities, he does it all – incredible strength and drive)

Ben (Amazingly knowledgeable and an incredible instructor when it comes to SEO work for my website).

Photography Credits

In the past 30 years, I have been truly blessed to have had the opportunity to work with amazing people, incredible charities, and wonderful companies.  It has and continues to be so much fun….  Below are just some of the companies I have worked with.  Photographing everything from their Halloween parties, to their corporate head shots, to their national conventions.

The Miracle PArty Logo
Elev8 Water Link
Moda Kalon Link
Plex Logo
herbalife image
Wing Blade Falconry Logo
U-Haul logo
The presidents Lifetime achievement award seal

In addition to the companies above, I have also worked for these organizations…  I know there are plenty more, I simply don’t recall them all.


FEMME Rebelle (UK) April 2018

Surreal Beauty Magazine (Issue 406)

Faries & Mermaids magazine (London)

Kasidie magazine

Contessa Magazine Cover

BC Bombshells Magazine

Garters & Girls Magazine

Ameriplan in house magazine

Bombshell June 2019 (book 2)


Focused In Magazine (Jan 2020)

Garters and Girls (March 2020)

Through The Lens  (Issue #8) Cover


York Gazette

TYNGLE Magazine (Sep 2021) Cover

EM Magazine  (October 2021)

Shades of Laurel (Sept 2020)

Elan Vital Magazine (Swimsuit issue)

Enchanted Angelz Magazine (Jan 2022 #113)

Top Posters Mag (Dec 2021)

Mac Magazine

Mac Magazine

Mac Magazine  (Jan, Vol. 12)

Surreal Mag  (Jan 2022, Issue 650)

Edith Glamour (Issue #127)

Vanity VIP (Feb 2022)

Sarze  (Jan 2022, Issue #9) Cover

Enchanted Angelz  (Feb 2022)

Selin  (Issue #13, Vol. 6)

Magnifique  (Issue #70) Back Cover

Surreal Lingerie  (Vol 2)  Back Cover

Sultry model (Issue 31) Cover

Sarze  (Issue 7)

Glamville (Love Issue 2022)

Vigour  (Feb 2022, Issue 27)

Katana  (March 2022) Cover

Glamville (April 2022)

Moveuxmag  (April 2022)

Elegant Angelz  (Jan 2022)


Denver Nuggets

Denver Broncos

Colorado Crush Arena Football

Colorado Crush Cheer leaders

American Motorcycle Racing

World Superbike Racing

Nissan Xterra Challenge

Playboy Golf

Valor High school track

Denver Soccer

AVP Volleyball

Colorado Paintball

Colorado / Sparta MMA

NPC Fitness Competitions

Teva Mountain Games

Vanderbilt University Club Lacrosse


Nissan Corporation

Anheuser-Busch / Budweiser

Justin Crews Productions

Kevin Larson Presents


The Sex Show

AMC Theaters

Adam & Eve

5150 Car Club


Denver Ladies

Summit Marketing

MPC Construction

Back in a Flash Chiropractic & Massage

House of Granite

SBA, inc (Fireball)

Tasty Wear

Traveler’s Haven

United States Coast Guard

United Airlines

United States Government

The Clock Tower Cabaret

Knock Outs of Denver

Colorado Renaissance Festival

VCG Holdings

Side Out Sports Attire

Comcast Cable Corp

PACE theater (Parker)

Nativ Hotel

Serenity Springs Wildlife Center

Moda Kalon Fashion

Elev8 Water

C10 Inc

Smile Doctors

Rural Psychiatry Group

CSD Lighting

Scruffy’s Irish Pub

Plex Inc